Thursday, January 6, 2011

Video: Creators Project meets Nikki S. Lee

At The Ministry of Artistic Affairs, we are super excited to share with our readers an incredible initiative called The Creator's Project. A partnership between Intel and Vice Magazine, The Creators Project is a new online channel dedicated to the celebration of creativity and culture across media, and around the world.

The Creators Project has two mandates: on one hand it’s a modern day media channel that will continually identify and celebrate the work of visionary artists wherever they are. On the other hand it is also a content creation studio, an arts foundation of sorts that will facilitate the production and dissemination of new work with these artists and their collaborators.

The website for this initiative updates constantly with superbly produced short videos about many of the most exciting creative minds working on the front edges of contemporary culture around the world. Dozens of these videos are already available and The Ministry of Artistic Affairs blog will post our favorites periodically. We start off with a video about Nikki S. Lee, a photographer who is very well known for the manner in which she transforms her very being into cultures very different from her own Korean background.

By Randy Gladman for The Ministry of Artistic Affairs.