Monday, May 16, 2011

The Ministry: Event 017 // Access: Extreme Animals

Members of The Ministry may now register for our next event.
The Ministry of Artistic Affairs invites Members to attend a unique lecture and audio/visual experience with Extreme Animals' Jacob Ciocci (paper rad) and David Wightman (Fortress of Amplitude).

The Ministry of Artistic Affairs invites Members to attend a unique lecture and audio/visual experience with Extreme Animals' Jacob Ciocci (paper rad) and David Wightman (Fortress of Amplitude).

Jacob Ciocci and David Wightman will present 45 minutes of short performances for video and live performers as well as perform live music soundtracks to a variety of their original video works. The short performance works range from absurd inspirational lectures to musings on contemporary internet culture to introspective meditations on metal guitar shredding technique, all couched within a lo-fi, intentionally awkward 'performance art' aesthetic.

Over the past 9 years this prolific duo has released countless CD-Rs, tapes and videos and gone on self-booked DIY tours at least once a year, influencing a wide array of younger musicians, artists and video-makers with their unique combination of noise, dance music, and performance art.

Their audience is a rare cross-over between art and music culture, allowing them to transition fluidly between galleries like Deitch Projects or museums like MOMA (automatic update, 2006) to legendary underground music venues like Wham City and The Smell. They have shared the stage with many of the most game-changing acts of the last 10 years including: Yacht, Lightning Bolt, Dan Deacon, Juiceboxxx, Teengirl Fantasy, and Javelin and they have releases out on critically acclaimed independent labels such as Load Records, DeathBomb Arc, Viscious Pop and Audio Dregs.

In addition, their work crosses over into the realms of academia: David Wightman holds a PHD in music composition from UCSD and has attended various residencies including the Atlantic Center for the Arts (working with David Lang), Bang on a Can Institute,and the Domaine Forget New Music Session, La Schola Cantorum Composition Program. Jacob Ciocci holds an MFA and was a visiting lecturer at Carnegie Mellon University. He is current a Senior Fellow at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center. The duo have individually and together done lectures and studio visits at institutions such as Oberlin College, SVA, and Syrcause University.