Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Gary Taxali Installations At The Drake Hotel

In conjunction with the exhibition The Writing On The Wall, the Drake is thrilled to present two site-specific installations by award-winning illustrator and fine artist Gary Taxali.
Walking into the Drake, guests will literally pass through his iconic drawing ‘Are We Serious’ installed on the front doors. Meanwhile, in the new Dining Roadshow, Taxali has set the stage for the Drake’s summer school-inspired Dining Hall. This large-scale installation combines Taxali’s classic characters drawn on found materials that are complete with original doodles, reminders and notes that enrich the whole piece, blurring the lines between fact and fiction, past and present.

Join us in the Lounge on Thursday July 14, at 8pm for, an event to celebrate these installations! It will be an opportunity to hear the artist in an informal Q+A through Drake's Summer School speaker series, followed by a book signing.

Gary Taxali graduated from art school in Toronto at OCAD University. He has exhibited in many galleries and art fairs throughout the world. In 2001, The Whitney Museum of American Art asked Gary to create an original limited edition print to be gifted to top donors. The artist lives and works in Toronto.

Also watch out for Taxali’s upcoming book, I Love You, OK?, launching at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Thursday September 22, 6 to 9pm.