Friday, October 28, 2011

Auction: LGBT Youth Line in Toronto

Now in its 12th year, the Line Art Auction in support of the Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line offers an impressive collection of timely and relevant pieces by Canadian artists.

The Line Art Auction is an important event for the LGBT Youth Line's unique and vital service of peer-support. The auction is the main fund-raising event for the Youth Line, a peer-support system aimed at helping to improve the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, 2-spirited, queer and questioning young people across this province.

With more and more youth requiring the support services offered by the Youth Line, the time to support this initiative has never been more apparent. Support systems differ in communities across Ontario. The outreach and various forms of support services for youth in smaller towns across this province is a key practice for the youth Line, and by supporting this auction, you are in turn showing your support for those LGBT youth.

This year's auction features the work of 50 artists, including works from: Robyn Cumming, Chris Curreri, Fastwurms, April Hickox, Dana Holst, Kris Knight, Guntar Kravis, Suzy Lake, Michah Lexier, Charles Pachter, Geoffrey Pugen, Derek Sullivan, Christy Thompson, Winnie Truong.

To preview the complete collection visit

The Ministry of Artistic Affairs has also donated several free memberships for the events silent auction.

Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line is a toll-free Ontario-wide peer-support phone line for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, 2-spirited, queer and questioning young people. The Youth Line also provides its peer-support service online through messenger and e-mail response. TTY service is available. The service is confidential, free, and non-judgmental. The Youth Line is staffed Sunday – Friday from 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The Youth Line can be accessed by toll-free by phone at 1-800-268-9688, through instant messaging by adding to your friends list, or by emailing your questions to