Friday, July 29, 2011

Case Study: Shepard Fairey Hitting the Streets of NYC

Earlier this month, Shepard Fairey visited the Big Apple to work on a few projects. In between his indoor sessions, he invited our friends at Arrested Motion to tag along while he worked to beautify some legal spots in Manhattan.

Many of you may recognize his classic wheat paste-ups, but Mr. Obey and his assistant Nick have expanded his outdoor tool-set to stenciling. Much like the giant mandala ornament mural he stenciled in Miami and his WeHo Library wall in Los Angeles, he’s taken to site specific adjustments when the opportunity presents itself.

Arrested Motion captured Shepard literally hanging out of a 12 story building while putting up one of his signature Andre icons. It’s pretty obvious that some people don’t have their sarcasm radar calibrated because contrary to what a certain gossip site assumes – Shepard certainly works the streets himself.

Thanks to Arrested Motion for the words and images.