Thursday, July 28, 2011

Case Study: New Course at U of T about Toronto Art

The University of Toronto is launching a new course in their School of Continuing Studies this fall in collaboration with the Canadian Art Foundation.

"Conversations from the Toronto Art World" examines and explores the Toronto art scene from the inside and provides current information on galleries, artists, curators, and critics in our city. In each class students will be joined by interesting speakers (many of whom have already participated in Ministry of Artistic Affairs events) who share their particular passions and stories about their involvement in the local and global art world. Speakers will include:

Kim Dorland
David Liss
Jamie Angell
Nicholas Metivier
Shelly Adler
Alex McLeod
Ann Webb
Jessica Bradley
Olga Korper

Similar to the mission of The Ministry, this course is designed to appeal to a wide range of people, from serious art enthusiasts wishing to build upon established collections to those who may be just beginning to explore the art world.

"Conversations from the Toronto Art World" will run for 8 weeks beginning on Tuesday September 27th. More information can be found by visiting the University of Toronto's webpage here.