“Waste Land” follows renowned artist Vik Muñiz as he journeys back to his native Brazil to the world's largest garbage dump on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro to photograph an eclectic band of catadores -- self-designated pickers of recyclable materials.
An award winning documentary by director Lucy Walker, this uplifting feature documentary highlights the transformative power of art and the beauty of the human spirit. Muniz takes us on an emotional journey from Jardim Gramacho, the world's largest landfill, to the heights of international art stardom. Vik collaborates with the brilliant catadores, pickers of recyclable materials, true Shakespearean characters who live and work in the garbage quoting Machiavelli and showing us how to recycle ourselves.
Following the preview video, please scroll down further for an interview with the documentary's director Lucy Walker from PBS Newshour earlier this month.