A current Ryan McGinness exhibition in New York City is simultaneously a gallery show and a temporary public art display. While 14 works are hung in traditional gallery style inside the auction house's vaulting halls, another ten works are placed upstairs on the building's second floor in order to be visible from the High Line. These works, painted with neon paints, are illuminated by blacklight in the evenings, resulting in a vibrant, Tron-like, electric energy. This treatment has been one of McGinness's signature styles since his 2008 "Aesthetic Comfort" show at Artcore Gallery in Toronto but this is the first time he has made it available after-hours for passersby in a site-specific public art manner.

Ryan McGinness
"Black Holes" at Phillips de Pury & Company
450 West 15th Street, New York City
December 23rd, 2010 to February 15th, 2011
Access to the Highline is available in the evenings and the works are lit until 8:00pm.
By Randy Gladman for The Ministry of Artistic Affairs with images from Arrested Motion.