Through the month of May, Ryan McGinness will offer a series of drawings, sculptures, sketches and paintings across Los Angeles in 7 different locations.
The Standard Hotel presents McGinness' latest installation on the west coast at The Standard - Hollywood. Meanwhile, The Standard - Downtown will offer installations, events, live drawings, and exclusive Blacklight Nudie Cards.

The Blacklight Nudie Cards, the first of their kind, are a full deck of poker-sized playing cards based on vintage nudie cards. The poker-deck-meets-graphic-Kama-Sutra-spirit with Ryan’s iconic graphics emit only a frequency in the invisible range of 350-370n and best enjoyed under blacklight.
"My use of fluorescent paint under the blacklight color spectrum is a strategy to force a singular time/space experience with the work", shares Ryan. "That is to say, the work must be experienced in person, and cannot be fully appreciated through reproductions via jpgs or printed catalog pages."
But wait! There's more!
You can see more of McGinness' new work in Los Angeles in May:
May 19-July 1 - Recent Paintings at the Michael Kohn Gallery
May 21-July 2 - Works on Paper at Country Club
May 26-July 16 - Trophies at Prism Gallery
May 27 (7-10pm) - Sketchbook Selections at Giant Robot
May 28-June 11 - Women: The Blacklight Paintings at the Purple Lounge at The Standard, Hollywood’s Purple Lounge.
June 1-3 - Ryan’s Drawing Sessions in the vitrine, The Standard, Hollywood
June 4 - Drawing Salon Party, The Standard, Hollywood
June 11-July 9 - SponsorshipREDUX at Subliminal Projects