The Ministry of Artistic Affairs visited the NYC studio of Ryan McGinness this rainy afternoon. McGinness took an hour off work to show us around and offer a sneak peak of some of the projects he is working on. With seven solo exhibitions already booked for 2012, he's got a lot on his plate (as always). He's also trying to sneak as much in as he can before his daughter arrives; McGinness's wife Trish is due with their first child any moment. Literally, any second.

For the past year or so, McGinness has been working on reducing life-drawn renderings of erotic dancers down to his signature icons. While many of the new works are silk-screened paintings riffing on multiples of the reduced images, some of his most exciting new works present his actual process of reduction. For the first time, he is planning to exhibit the actual life drawings. He has also moved away from exclusive use of silk-screening and is going to show ink wash paintings on paper and cyanotypes (a photographic printing process). Very exciting.

In the Spring of 2012, members of the Ministry will be invited to a number of New York City studios. Though details of this are still underway, we are hoping this trip will coincide with McGinness's simultaneous May solo shows at Pace Prints and Gering & Lopez Gallery. Anyone interested in joining us for a few days of galleries and studio visits in NYC in the Spring? Let us know...

By Randy Gladman for The Ministry of Artistic Affairs.