In January, the Ministry will visit Neubacher Shor Contemporary for a special guided tour of The Tie-break, a collaboration by Toronto artists Tibi Tibi Neuspiel and Geoffrey Pugen. The artists will both be on hand to discuss this earnest if hilarious project in which they attempt to recreate, stroke for stroke, the crucial set tie-break between Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe in their classic grudge match at Wimbledon in 1980.

Jeremy Jansen and Niall McClelland are the hosts of The Ministry's February event when we will visit their studios. These frequent collaborators work in a wide variety of media and share their inspirations in punk and DIY Pop culture. The artists will guide our group through their current projects and discuss their methods of production and views on what it means to be an artist on the rise in Canada.

The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery at Harbourfront Centre will host our April event. We are very excited to partner with this hugely important institution for what will hopefully be the first of many events with them over the years to come. Museum curator Melanie O'Brian will provide an introduction to their solo exhibition of film-based works by American artist Kerry Tribe. These films explore the problems associated with human perception, subjectivity and doubt and they are mesmerizing. Since the museum will be closed except to participants of this event, members will have the rare opportunity to experience the films in an ideal and quiet situation.

Our second in an exclusive series of collector visits will take our group to the exquisite home of Alan and Allison Schwartz in May. One of only a few truly "blue-chip" private collections in Toronto, this family's very special collection includes works by many super-stars of international contemporary art including Cindy Sherman, Andreas Gursky, Richard Serra, Anselm Kiefer and many more. Alan will be on hand to explain each piece during the tour and discuss his very interesting life as a collector of the best art in the world.

In July, The Ministry will take members on a tour of the galleries of Tecumseth Street, the spine that supports the body of the art world in Toronto's west end. The five important galleries on this street have all graciously agreed to stay open after hours to greet members of The Ministry as we hop from one exhibition to the next over a two hour period. The galleries' owners will be on-hand to explain their current exhibitions and share their enthusiasm and knowledge.

These are just some of the events we have planned for 2012. More are in the works and we hope to announce them soon.
Though all events are for members only, everyone is welcome to join. For information on how to join The Ministry of Artistic Affairs, please click here.
By Randy Gladman for The Ministry of Artistic Affairs.